The Accountability Program For Grown-Ups Who Run Businesses
From: Matthew Kimberley
To: You
Subject: Welcome To The Single Malt Mastermind
Welcome to the Single Malt Mastermind ...
It’s a business-owners mastermind unlike any other.
It’s a mastermind for people like you who KNOW what you need to do, and need to do more of it. It’s a place where results are measured weekly and progress is made daily.
It’s a program that forces you to focus on the bottom line and ignore the assorted bells-and-whistles that pull your attention sideways when you should be going forward. Because you don’t need different or new, you just need more focus.
If you’ve already made your first dollar, this is the place for you.
It’s a balls-to-the-wall, no-frills, distraction-free environment where DOING is prioritized above
KNOWING and the accumulation of knowledge plays no part. That means you’ll get more of the right stuff done. Every week.
More sales. More clients. More focus. In just a few short weeks from now, when you use the proprietary –and alarmingly simple– Single Malt
Methodology–you’ll exceed even your own expectations.
You see, there’s a huge problem with a lot of masterminds.

You end up spending more time in your mastermind than you do selling to prospects and servicing your
current clients.
I mean, don’t get me wrong. I think masterminds are useful. I’m in several. I’ve also run several. I’ve spent –and collected– thousands of dollars on –and from– masterminds.
But they’re critically flawed in two areas:
- No silence to get the work done, and
- An over-reliance on self-control in a sea full of shiny distractions.
For every member who’s killing it or crushing it or blowing up, there are a dozen who are languishing, struggling and stuck in a rut. In fact, you get inundated with nothing.
It’s a super-lightweight, super-economical mastermind that fits INTO your regular work, that takes NO time out of your week, and that truly keeps you focused on your business and sales goals.
I’m Matthew Kimberley.
I’m on a mission to give business owners a more delightful experience..
I’m the author of Book Yourself Solid for Coaches and Consultants and Get A F*cking Grip, the creator of Delightful Emails and the School for Selling. I speak and train business owners all over the world.
I’ve led workshops and seminars and spoken on the stage in Sydney, San Diego and everywhere in between (the long way round, not across the Pacific).
Over the last eight years I have sporadically opened the doors to the Single Malt Mastermind and then closed them again as the rush of participants overloads my email inbox.
It is currently available for the first 100 or so people to join.

I’ve built real companies and sold them.
I’ve advised countless business owners and sales people and freelancers to do one thing: sell more.
But enough about me. Let’s talk about the Single Malt Mastermind.
Because I want you to sign up.
First off, it’s for business owners, the self-employed and anybody whose remuneration is based on results.
That means it doesn’t matter what niche you’re in or which industry you serve.
This WILL work for you.
What you DON’T get in the Single Malt Mastermind
You don’t get community, distraction or demands on your time.
That’s right:
- NO Facebook Groups
- NO Monthly or Weekly Calls
- NO Local Meetups
- NO Annual Conferences
You don’t get inundated with checklists and tasks and “should dos” that mean you end up spending more time working on your mastermind than you do working on your business.
In fact, you get inundated with nothing.
It’s a super-lightweight, super-economical mastermind that fits INTO your regular work, that takes NO time out of your week, and that truly keeps you focused on your business and sales goals.

The Single Malt name encompasses some of my most important life philosophies.
If you share them, you’re probably in the right place.
SINGLE: this represents responsibility.
The buck stops with you. You are SINGULARLY responsible for your results. You need other people, for sure, but – in the words of Winston Churchill – “change comes from within“.*
What’s more, you’ll have a SINGLE weekly activity when you join the mastermind, and it won’t take you more than ten minutes to complete. Which means you’ll have a SINGLE focus the rest of the week: growing your business by selling the right thing to the right people.
MALT is an acronym for More Action Less Talk.
That’s self-explanatory. We don’t talk to each other (even though there are many of us, it’s a SECRET society). There is nowhere to hang out. You don’t even know who the other members are.
There *may* be a secret handshake. Working on that part. There are no live events. There is no Facebook group. There are no videos to watch. There are no worksheets to fill out. Nope.
This is a space for grown-ups.
You’ve got to put on your big boy or your big girl pants and make a (single) commitment when you join.
That commitment?
To hit “reply” to an email and answer three small questions once a week.
I encourage bad behavior, and if you’re so inclined you may pour yourself a large glass of something strong and wet before you hit the reply button.

Too long? Didn’t read? Read this:
Weekly email check-ins are one of the cornerstones of most coaching practices. If you’re the kind of person who benefits from less talk and more action, and if you want ME, specifically, to hold you to account and correspond with you each week, then this Single Malt Mastermind is for you.
The specifics – how it works
When you join, you’ll get an email from me saying “hi.” Then, every Friday for a year.
That’s one email from me, every Friday, for 12 months.The emails will always have [SM] in the subject line, so you’ll know that it’s me and you’ll be able to prioritize it.
The email will ask three questions:
- What did you do this week?
- What are you going to do next week?
- Anything else on your mind you want to share?
You shouldn’t spend more than ten minutes on it.
This works like gangbusters for a number of reasons:
- You’ve paid, so you’ve got skin in the game.
- You know I’ll be looking out for your email, so you’ve got accountability.
- What you measure is what you get (what you did). That means you will study the past to improve the future.
- You’re making a series of micro-commitments that become tougher to break once they’re public (what you’re going to do).
- You get to do a brain-dump to clear the fog at the end of the week.
- You will have a permanent and immediately-accessible “captain’s log” of all the important metrics and decisions taken in your business.
You see, EVERY “normal” business has reporting lines.
Those reporting lines mean that at the end of every week, month and quarter, managers report up the chain of command on their performance and predictions for the coming period. There isn’t a normal business in the world that doesn’t do this. It’s NECESSARY for accountability and quality-control.
From today you’ll have the same structure. And your business will grow. You’ll report to me on your measurable achievements. How much, how many, etc…
Because of that, I take confidentiality deadly seriously. Your answers will NEVER be shared with anybody and they’ll be kept under digital lock and key inside my secured email account.
That’s our contract. And that’s the program. No longer explanations because they’re not necessary. You get an email. You reply.
In between emails, you spend your time well, because you know you’ve got to report back to me at the end of the week. You become more productive and you sell more. It’s useful. It’s cathartic. It’s “actionable”.
And if it’s for you, you probably already know by now.

I can’t get enough of Matthew’s emails. They’re irreverent. Direct. And make me want to be a better man.
Actually, that part isn’t true.
They just make me want to get off my ass
and make things happen.
– Taki Moore, Million Dollar Coach
So how much does it cost?
The Single Malt Mastermind is worth one hundred thousand dollars a year. Right??
But I’m not going to charge you that much. That would be ridiculous. I figure my productivity problems are worth roughly $5,000 – $10,000 a month in terms of “not doing the thing that will make bank”. That’s every month.
So $3,000 (to be conservative) x 12 months = $36,000 a year. Previous members (more than 700 of them at the time of writing) have paid between $997 (way back when) and $4,997 to participate, the price depending on my personal capacity.
At this point in time, the investment is only $1,997.00. That’s $1,997 (not a typo: one thousand, nine hundred and ninety seven dollars) for the full one year membership in this exclusive club of just you and me.
Also, for the first time in this program’s eight year history, I’m offering a payment plan. You can absolutely pay for the program over the twelve months you’re in it.
And if you have a coupon code you’ll pay even less …

Why so cheap for private correspondence?
Well I’m glad you asked: it often serves as an entry-point for people like you who need MORE in-depth coaching with me but want to “try before you buy”. So in that respect it allows you to “dip your toe in the water.”
But for others, it’s simply all they need. Information is freely available everywhere. But accountability is always worth paying for. So I want to make it as democratic – and realistic – as possible. It’s not a scalable program for me.
I sit down every Monday and Tuesday and read all your replies. I then reply back to you. And it’s well worth it. You need to know this as well: it’s a one year program. There is an optional second year, but that’s a decision for another day.
There are no refunds. The value proposition is straightforward. You know what you’re getting: 52 emails a year that you reply to.
So sign up today. Unless you’ve still got questions, in which case keep reading …
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Matthew acknowledge my emails?
Yes, and better than that, he actually replies to your questions. -
Are his emails literally just three questions?
Come on, you know better than that ;-) This is the creator of Delightful Emails we're talking about it. Each email contains a nugget of thought-stimulant, sometimes a little wisdom and often a belly laugh. -
Can have an in-depth conversation with him and get live any-time email coaching?
Only if you're a current coaching client. Packages for that start at $4,000 a month and are dependent on an in-depth application. Email questions@matthewkimberley.com if you'd like to know more about becoming a private client.
Realistically, this Single Malt Mastermind is a good option for you if you either already have a coach, or prefer to not work with a coach at the moment. That means this program is designed as an extra resource to support you in your current efforts. -
What happens when I join today?
You'll get an email from Matthew right away and then again on the first Friday in January - and the Friday after that ... and every Friday for the rest of the year, you'll hear from him again. At the end of the year, we're done. -
I've done this before. Can I do it again? Is it different this time round?
GREAT! You're one of our MANY returners ;-) Yes - you're more than welcome to join again. But email support@matthewkimberley.com for more info. -
What if I want to cancel?
You can cancel at any time by sending an email to support@matthewkimberley.com and you won't get another email. But since you've already paid for it, you'd be crazy to cancel. Remember: no refunds. -
But if I take the payment plan I can just stop paying, right?
Yes, you can. And I will forever know that you are somebody who does not keep their word. It is NOT a subscription. I'll be there every single week for you. You don't have to do the same, that's on you. But your payments will continue. Let's make that a solid pact. -
What if Matthew dies or gets hit by a truck?
Good question. If he gets hit by a truck, we'll hit pause until he's back. If he dies, you'll have a great story to tell. -
Does this work?
It works if you set aside ten minutes every week to reply to an email. -
Do you have any testimonials?
Sure - see below -
Other questions?
Email support@matthewkimberley.com and we'll get back to you sharpish.
I was skeptical before joining the mastermind so I just want to say thank you; I started receiving your Singlemalt Mastermind emails about two months ago now and I am throughly enjoying them, your tips and your book recommendations; I find that I am really thinking about what I want to achieve for the week and getting more done because I don’t want to let myself down by not responding to your weekly emails. Your entertaining emails keep me on track and being in the Mastermind is absolutely great value for money!
Keep up the good work.
I’ll admit, when I signed up I was dubious as to whether I’d get value from the Single Malt Mastermind – but I figured at such a low price, it was worth a punt. Having been a member for a couple of months now I can say it was a great move! It keeps me focused on the important tasks in my business and Matthew’s are not only incredibly helpful but hilariously funny. I really look forward to my weekly updates with him!
Single Malt has been exactly what I needed…even though I didn’t know I needed it. I was SO over program after program and more things to do. When I read MK’s sales page for Single Malt…I thought, THIS. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. The genius of how simple it was also stood out to me. Sending the same email week after week with the exact accountability I’m craving…GENIUS. I have never signed up for something so quick. It was a Hell Yes! Here’s the best part though…MK is so genuine, witty, and brilliant. I feel like I’m chatting with him and yes, he actually responds! MK’s a real human who cares and oh btw, is great at what he does. The hot accent is an added bonus (yes, I hear his voice when he sends me emails and it adds to the program, lol!). I’ll let you in on a little secret too…it’s not the same email every week. It’s actually the same questions but with a new email from MK and his writing panache. Think of a sweet treat arriving in your inbox each week!
I love the Single Malt Mastermind! It helps me stay focused on my most important business goals each week. That’s priceless!
When my husband walks through the door after work, they last thing he wants to hear me shout from my home office is, “Hey, look, my sales page is up!” or “Honey, what do you think I should price this program at?”
Frankly, he tires of acting as a sounding board for a business that he barely understands the structure of. Can’t blame him either.
Matthew, on the other hand, completely understands my business type and it’s helpful as fuck to get some quick, to the point feedback that doesn’t come with a sigh and “What’s for dinner?”
Joining Single Malt Mastermind was a leap of faith — could a single email correspondence each week really help hold me accountable for getting shit done? Six months in, I can confidently say YES. The beauty of Matthew’s mastermind is that there’s zero fluff. You show up for you. You share that with Matt. He responds with genius insight (in very few words). It works. I’ve added an additional revenue stream to my business, got proposals delivered + signed faster, and done more for MY business in the last 6 months than the last 6 years. If you’re thinking about SMM, stop thinking + do it. Now.
I love the accountability of this Single Malt Mastermind to stop me ‘resisting’ what I need to do. I’ve considered embellishing my week to Mathew when it’s looked a bit ‘meh’! But I’m happy with the progress I’m making week by week. Mathews advice to my short questions has been invaluable. And the guilt-factor of having nothing to report has made me just get-it-done! Excellent value for money!
I’m not a joiner. And I really don’t like someone telling me what to do. But a quiet, non-judge-y, smart accountability partner? Yes, a thousand times, yes. Matthew’s Single Malt Mastermind is the precise injection of support I needed this year to build a side hustle into a thriving business. Worth every penny.
The SMM idea is simple. I pay a stranger to send me an email every Friday. I reply, telling him what I got done and what I’m going to do. He reads my reply and offers a pertinent, pithy response. That’s IT.
And IT works! Matthew’s emails are, to use his term, delightful. Not about to embarrass myself, so I get stuff done. No surprise, business grows by taking lots of small actions. And that stranger now feels like a friend. Not a close friend whose shoulder I cry on, but a fun, accountability friend who tells me to get out of my own way with a few helpful “take it or leave it” tips. The kind of friend I’m always happy to pick up the bar tab for, or in this case, the SMM fee. Well worth the money!
Every week when I get Matthew’s email with the subject line “SM”, I have to laugh. Because that’s what it is! Pure accountability in its simplest form. I felt that most accountability programs out there are more about the Facebook programs in which you have to participate and the homework (i.e. lots of PDFs…) you need to go through. Although very helpful and necessary when you still need to learn about online business and grow a network, after a while you need to go back to simplicity. And that’s easier said than done, right? To me, Matthew’s weekly year-long emails are so powerful in their simplicity. They hold you accountable to someone with a tonne of business experience as to what you’ve accomplished that week and are planning to do next week… Yeah, that’s where the ‘SM’ bit kicks in. Sounds simple, but it isn’t really. The best part is, you even get a quick reply back! That is priceless. Besides always looking forward to the emails because they’re simply hilarious of course. Since I started with the Single Malt Mastermind, I have managed to book 2 speaking opportunities and got accepted in an international design fair after only 2 months of having implemented Matthew’s easy-to-follow system (and that in a complex market). I highly recommend Matt’s Single Malt Mastermind for anyone who wants to simplify their business style again and focus on what really matters: growing your sales and connections who can help you land a sale.
Having a low-stakes check-in has made me feel like I can get to my goals. There is no beating myself up that I didn’t do what I originally set out to do. Just having someone who clearly understands where I’ve been to chime in with concise encouragement/feedback has been just enough to keep me moving.
Being a copywriter is a lonely business. A lot like being adrift at sea with no direction or compass, and crossing your fingers that you end up somewhere sunny with a decent cocktail bar. So when a friend mentioned Single Malt Mastermind to me I was intrigued. How could this possibly work? Why would I pay for emails? Why are there eleventy million testimonials from raving fans? I immediately reached for my credit card. Part accountability, part motivation, and part therapist’s couch, Matthew has created something so refreshingly simple that it works like crazy. His witty weekly emails have given me the focus and direction I need to get where I want my business to go. Since signing up, I’ve had my highest earning month ever, overhauled my copywriting services, and started saying “no” to everything that isn’t a “hell yes”. I finally feel like my business is on track!
For the price of an inexpensive dinner I get a boss, who doesn’t own my time, but who makes sure I’ve been doing the work Ive created for myself. This is EXACTLY what I’ve been missing ever since I quit the corporate and forgot how to actually work 8 hours a day. What is it with humans who will slave for the others but won’t rub hands together for their own dream?
I joined Single Malt Mastermind a couple of months ago and it has been a great investment. I look forward to the email every Friday! Matthew provides great advice and wisdom, and I love that I have someone that I’m accountable to. Knowing that I will be reporting each week keeps me focused and I’m seeing better results because of it! I highly recommend Single Malt Mastermind to anyone looking for accountability, and entertaining, valuable weekly emails!
In a good mastermind, there’s a blend of people at all points in their careers to share perspectives and insights.In a great mastermind, there is you and Matthew Kimberley. The epistolary style of Single Malt Mastermind frees me to be myself and to finally be completely honest about what I am doing…what I am not doing…and what I need to be doing.And what’s amazing is that I am finally seeing patterns and possibilities that make it worth every penny to me. Plus, the weekly Friday email is often funny as fuck.
Only a few months in and I am already seeing a difference by being a part of the Single Malt Mastermind. Nothing drives me more than being held accountable especially when that accountability happens on a weekly basis. Can I say productivity supercharge?! I love getting the kick in the pants I need without having to invest valuable time in an accountability group. This is on my time, on my terms, and Matthew’s weekly personal contact is the icing on the cake. I can’t wait to see where I am at the end of the year, I can only imagine because now the sky is the limit!
I absolutely love Matthew’s simple, get-it-done weekly email. The simplicity of his 3 questions is brilliant in getting you to focus on what’s most important each week. His provocative and funny style is meant to help you go past procrastination and fear and do the work that matters. In the two months, I’ve been in the program, I’ve completed projects I postponed for months. Having an accountability partner like Matthew who cares about your progress is worth the investment in the program.
Because I thrive on accountability I knew that signing up for the Single Malt Mastermind would pay for itself within the first month.On the second Monday of the program I did three things that I wouldn’t have normally done because of SMM that brought in $1500 worth of income. Which means that SMM literally MORE than paid for itself in ONE DAY.Do I need to say more? If you are someone who likes gold stars, check marks and high fives when you accomplish something just sign up, you won’t regret it.
You may be thinking, ‘Why the f would I pay that much money to be asked the same three questions in a weekly email!? That’s what I thought initially! Here’s what made me pull out the credit card before the clock struck midnight and the chance to join SM again disappeared (until the next time that wasn’t guaranteed!). I wanted affordable accountability and the possibility to shoot the business breeze/ask an odd question or two to a guy who’s been in the trenches and learned a thing or three along the way.I wanted something that I would commit to – without being committed to losing large chunks of time to group/1:1 business coaching sessions – been there done that, didn’t want or need more of the same! Regardless of whether you’re a busy, flailing, or successful biz person, if SM sounds like it could be the right thing for you, save yourself more wasted time and energy overthinking it – just shell out already – it’s totally worth it!!
You DO NOT need me to tell you that SMM is intuitively brilliant, just what you know you need in an age of overwhelm, distraction and bloat. You wish you’d thought of the idea, right? Likewise, in 5 minutes you can tell that MK is the real deal. Sharp. Successful. Connected. Funny. I have been in SMM on two occasions. It doesn’t take long to see that Matthew really cares and is a confident, humble bartender of this venue.
The Single Malt Mastermind works. Matthew holds me accountable each week to keep my promises. The result is I am more productive, more optimistic, more proactive, and more profitable. It is well worth the amount I invested in dollars, commitment, and time each week.
Mathew’s SMM program is an incredible support. I am focusing much more on the work that matters and getting the right things done. The Mastermind is an incredibly simple and an incredibly powerful tool. The outreach and development tasks so easily slip off my radar, but Unexpected bonus: I look forward to the weekly accountability email – who knew accountability could be a ray of sunshine on a Friday? 🙂 I highly recommend this support.
Do you sometimes feel as if your brain is a flock of sheep and everybody is running in different directions? I feel like that all the time. Because: raising 4 kids, growing a new business and suffering from shiny new object syndrome is not for the faint of heart. Thank God there is the Single Malt Mastermind. In the last 2 months, I got more accomplished than in the past two years – so it seems to work.And the best is what’s actually missing: no Zoom calls, no community, no printable workbooks. Just Matthew who acts like a good ole shepard: he waits quietly in the background, keeps the sheep away from the cliffs and gives everybody who needs it a gentle kick in the backside. Worth every penny!
I love getting my SMM emails. They’re fun, helpful, and keep me motivated. I’ve tried having accountability partners in the last, but that never lasted more than a week or two. This is different. With Matthew’s emails, I’ve made more progress in the last 4 weeks than I had the previous four months. HIGHLY recommend!
Working with Matthew is a joy, and the level of accountability through Single Malt is exactly what I need to take responsibility for my actions on a weekly basis!
I signed up for Single Malt Mastermind because I wanted accountability on things I prefer to avoid. Things like “how many leads am I chasing?” and “how are my numbers improving week-over-week?” Since I work alone, I knew I needed another voice to keep me focused, and Matthew has not disappointed. His questions demand that I pay attention to what I’m doing and what I care about, while also pushing me to think creatively and set my own targets. Worth every penny and then some.
In the first few weeks of joining the Single Malt Mastermind, I generated more than $3,500. Matthew insists on measuring what counts. As a result, my productivity has increased more than 100% because I focus more than 90% of my working time on dollar-productive-activities rather than on feel-good fluff. If I continue to take action in this way, I should be on schedule to launch two more programs this year valued at $80,000. Not bad for a Mum who works 3 – 4 hrs a day.
There are so many things I love about SMM but first, the format. I LOVE the simplicity of email. No course, no workbooks, no videos, no group calls.
Best of all, no Facebook group! Because even groups with quality members who share useful information, they take too much time AWAY from me working on my business.
Matthew’s emails are smashing. He tells engaging stories while also sharing highly useful information for improving your business and your life. His replies are the best – insightful, genuine, and compelling.
Accountability is a powerful tool – Matthew’s method and execution in wielding it is genius.
I’ve done the whole group coaching thing before, and while it was wonderful, I don’t have the bandwidth for it at this phase of my business. Single Malt Mastermind is exactly the low-key but consistent mentorship I need. Matthew’s three weekly questions help me be intentional about my outreach and visibility efforts, and his humor and humanity make each week’s email a treat to receive. He responds-every week!-with thoughtful and encouraging feedback on what you’ve shared. Just this week, he sent me a perfect W.H. Auden quote in response to me mentioning I’d been going through something heavy. Matthew is a delight and you should jump at the chance to join SMM.
The Single Malt Mastermind keeps me moving forward on things I *want* to accomplish, but perpetually put off because they’re not urgent. That weekly accountability email stays at the top of my mind as a reminder that my most important things don’t have to fit at the edges of my life; they can be the very center of it as long as there’s intention and action. Thank you for creating a program to run interference when those distractions start begging for my attention!
Something special happens when you’re asked what you’ve been doing. Not in a general sense but very specifically – what have you done this week? And what are you going to do next week?
I admit that MK’s weekly emails stoke my inner people-pleaser but reporting that I’ve actually spent my time in a worthwhile fashion is a weekly hit that I can’t miss now. During the week, as TikTok sings its siren song, I remember that MK is going to ask me what I’ve done and I get back to work.
I’m not sure what I clicked on years ago to start getting emails from Matthew Kimberley but one thing I noticed is that whenever one showed up, unlike many other emails, I actually looked forward to reading it! I was living proof of the power of Delightful Emails, so when the time was right, I signed up and am about to launch an email marketing campaign thanks to his great tips.
I missed out on the Single Malt Mastermind when it was retired some years back, so when Matthew opened it up again, I jumped at the chance, and have not regretted it. Entrepreneurs can be their own worst enemy; it’s often too easy to get sidetracked, spend time on the wrong things, spin too many plates and be very “busy” without actually moving forward. SMM takes care of all that; it makes me accountable and helps me breaks things down to easy-to-achieve goals – all in about the amount of time it takes to swill a whisky. Thank you Matthew; I’m cracking the Dalmore 🙂
I don’t know many people who have an advisor with years of relevant experience and wisdom to whisper direction in your ear. Well, I have my man in Malta. My consigliere…Matthew Kimberley. He writes delightful emails which always drop a knowledge nugget or two, and then gleans my weekly status reports for the important things. Then a few sentences to nudge, cajole, advise, encourage, validate or all of the above and I’m ready for a new week! Brilliant! But don’t do you dare sign up for it – I want him all for myself!
It’s one thing to regularly keep tabs on your business for your own tracking. It’s an entirely different thing to report in on your business on a weekly basis to another human being. Having the weekly prompt and knowing Matthew is waiting on the other end for my reply has been a game-changer (even if he’s actually off having a drink and not anxiously awaiting my reply like I pretend he is). Single Malt Mastermind has given me the weekly focus I’ve needed to stay on track with projects, operations, and revenue but it’s more than that. With these regular emails I’m no longer letting my business run on auto-pilot; I’m more focused on what I want my business to be and I’ve finally taken charge of what I’m doing to get (and stay) there.
I’ve appreciated receiving Matthew’s weekly notes which include nuggets of encouragement, insight, and humor. Moreover, developing the daily discipline of tracking my activities in tandem with my weekly accountability for my responses back to Matthew has proven to be enormously beneficial. I’m able to objectively see the forward motion I’m making each week (despite some of the emotional feelings that may run counter), realize more easily where I need to make tweaks, and crystalize my plan of action for subsequent weeks. Knowing that my emails are actually read provides the accountability I need, and I delight in the responses I receive back from Matthew offering an added dose of encouragement, insight, and/or humor from a given week’s reflections. The program complements very nicely some of my other business growth efforts and is well worth the price of admission!
Matthew’s become my snarky, very British check-in partner. And he’s great. The fact that he replies to my weekly emails about specific action items that I’m working on keeps me engaged in the process. And it puts the pressure on to keep on doing it. In all the right ways. If you want to level up your productivity on a weekly level, Single Malt Mastermind
is the way to go.
Single Malt Mastermind shouldn’t work. It’s too simple. You only have to do one thing each week. There’s no online learning platform. You don’t even get to speak with anyone else. But that is it’s brilliance! Over the last few months, I’ve become more accountable to myself. I’ve simplified my to do list and actually started ticking off big items. In terms of clarity and productivity it’s been worth it’s weight in gold. Even in the bad weeks it’s helped me identify what’s going wrong and move forward. What’s most exciting is that constant action is now starting to drive results. Thank you Matthew. I was a sceptic, I now can’t recommend it enough!
When I first heard of the Single Malt Mastermind, I’ll admit that I was a bit skeptical. What would sending an email once a week to sarcastic British bloke actually do for my business? The answer surprised me. Single Malt has brought an awareness to my business that I never had before. I learned that my close rate was super consistent. It showed me how much I actually do accomplish in a week which is quite a lot (and that took the pressure off of the unrelenting need to do more). It let me know when I need to focus on lead generation before it became a cash-flow problem. Having this kind of awareness is worth the price of admission. Plus, Matthew does read every single one of these emails — I am surprised at how often I get a response celebrating my accomplishments or offering a small piece of advice. If you’re on the fence, I say take the leap because its worth it!
Joining the Single Malt Mastermind was a bit of a no brainer for me! I have known and admired (I have never told Matthew I admired him, so please don’t tell him!) for many years and I knew that this would be great. And it is! What I love is it’s simplicity – I get a great email from Matthew every week and I have to respond with an account of what I have done in the last week and what I plan to do the following week. The simplicity is so powerful! It also requires that I be really specific about results I have got (or not!) and what I plan to do. This now forms the basis of my weekly planning.
As I said this is a no brainer! I love it!
The Single Malt Mastermind is ingenious in its’ simplicity. It eliminates all the distractions of daily business and distills it all down to the weekly routine of looking at productivity, the life blood of all business. It has been said that a million dollar idea is worthless unless you do something and the Single Malt Mastermind is definately worth the doing. The program has forced me to focus on the daily tasks that were planned the week before and reflect at the end of the week how I can be a little better as a chiropractor and a person. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
I LOVE being part of the Single Malt Mastermind. Working for yourself can be tough sometimes, you don’t always have people that have time to listen to what’s going on in your business because you’re so busy serving. Just the process of sharing what you want to achieve and how well you’ve done (or not!) each week creates change. We can be so busy being busy that we don’t take time to reflect. SMM gives you that space.
The emails you receive from Matthew (or MK – use whatever you prefer – I’ve just got into the habit of calling you MK now!) are practical, thought-provoking and fun. Knowing that you have someone checking in with you at the end of each week is super powerful. You get great results and MK replies, so you feel heard too. Highly recommend! Such a simple idea, yet so very powerful for your business. I don’t know how I managed without it, I’m in for life. I’d miss my weekly messages 🙂
Single Malt Mastermind is not only worth the money, but the time. It’s so valuable to have a place on Friday that forces me to look at what happened that week, and what’s ahead. It lets me check in on what’s happening with my business and with me, and a place to sometimes simply get something out of my head a bit so I can focus on the hear and now. I highly recommend this as an addition to your accountability set up if you’re looking to stay focused and get momentum.
Single Malt Mastermind has kept me accountable and focused on the important goals that I need in order to keep a forward momentum going in my business.
It’s so easy for me to get distracted and then forget what I’m suppose to be working on – not anymore! I’m taking action and with the amazing feedback and quick insight that Matthew gives from time to time I’m able to be much more productive and not get stuck.
Knowing that I need to give a written report of my week to Matthew in an email makes me concentrate on what’s really critical for my business and forces me to really think about the results I want out of each week versus letting each week just happen on its own without any intentional results. I now feel productive, focused, and efficient!
I look forward to my weekly email from Matthew through the Single Malt Mastermind. When I’m thinking about how to respond, I realize just how much I accomplished during the week. Because I run two businesses, sometimes I don’t stop to celebrate all the wins. Participating in the Single Malt Mastermind allows me to celebrate each win every week, which in turn motivates me to keep working hard so I have a list to share with Matthew the next week. If you’re someone that likes to track progress, this is a no brainer. If you haven’t tracked progress before, this is an excellent way to begin (and well worth the money). Plus the emails from Matthew are entertaining!
Single MALT is great! More Action Less Talk. So simple and so effective. You do the heavy lifting, but it’s powerful having Matthew’s presence hold you accountable. And there’s great information or something fun included in his weekly emails. It’s even more helpful than I anticipated!
Running your own business can be a lonely adventure and sometimes we can get off track without noticing it. Signing up to Single Malt Mastermind was one of the best investments in my business this year. The weekly emails are not only enlightening and entertaining, but they help me keep what’s important in mind and have helped me reach my weekly goals with more ease. I strongly recommend this programme to any solopreneur who needs to keep his / her head in the game without wasting time on unnecessary fluff.
I’m really pleased with the Single Malt Mastermind. It’s unobtrusive, helpful, no-frills (in a good way) and Matthew nearly always makes me laugh. I’m all about doing less to get more, and I get a lot of value from this simple accountability program without all the obnoxious distraction in so many other programs. The SMM emails are some of the few I actually open, and is an absolute steal for a year of accountability.
Single Malt Mastermind is the perfect accountability partner for any entrepreneur. Thank you, Matthew, for creating this program. Matthew is an excellent mentor, and has a way of connecting with you through his content, from his real and witty stories, to his invaluable tips and advice. He is always spot on! Joining was a split second decision for me. ABSOLUTELY YES! Matthew’s weekly reminders have motivated me and made me increased my weekly results. Discipline is a tough habit for me to build, but he made this possible. This is exactly what I need to reach my goals and max out my business growth. I can feel the momentum even only few weeks into the program. I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking to collapse their timeframe too.
As a creative entrepreneur, I can get easily distracted and overwhelmed by the volume of work to do. In 10 minutes a week, the Single Malt Mastermind makes me focus, prioritise and commit. It’s enormously helpful knowing that someone is watching me and holding me accountable to do what I said I would. Instead of groaning over an uncompleted to do list at the end of the week, I’ve started to look forward to Friday when I can tell Matthew how much I’ve achieved. Each week, the achievements grow. This is the best value for money accountability I’ve ever had. Matthew has a warm, challenging, irreverent sense of humour too which makes it all the more fun.
Truth be told, I’m not a very disciplined person until I have crystal clear clarity. This time around, I choose to give MKs program a go, creating consistent simple steps to obtain crystal clarity! I have to say it’s worth the investment!
I have been part of the ‘not so much’-mastermind a couple of months now and I have to say it is a very simple, yet very effective way of getting things done. I simply ‘up my game’ every week, because of this single e-mail from Matthew. I want to hold myself accountable for my actions and progress and this is very helpful. I create my weekly sprint on Fridays or during the weekend and send it to Matthew in a condensed form and this works as my guide for the week. My biggest take away so far is my ability to follow up with my prospects/customers regularly and this has paid off on my finances. The price for the mastermind compared to my outcome is ridiculous low.
Matthew’s course is a treasure.
It helped me change my beliefs about my own organisation. I started viewing myself differently. The course brought clarity to my team members too. We’ve now created simple processes to follow. And we’re making conversions too!
Thank you Matthew! Cheers🍷
I’ve been a part of the Single Malt Mastermind for a couple months now. I love how it helps me to keep myself accountable, take consistent action to try to achieve my business goals, and engage in continuous reflection about what I am doing to put myself in a position to be successful. Becoming a member of this program is one of the best decisions I’ve made to help build my business.
There is absolutely no one out there who makes you feel as accountable as Matthew does. Whether its his intimidating demeanor or just the fact you feel like a total loser if you don’t submit your weekly report on time, its just somehow works. Its like all of a sudden you have a boss again, someone to look up to, and its somehow a good thing in this lonely, irresponsible and erratic world of ours.
Its like sucking up your stomach when you dance, it just happens! We just need more whiskey integrated into the process somehow.
I’ve been attempting to implement a system for staying connected to my community for years with many fits and starts. The simplicity of Matthew’s system made it easy for me to get started and to finally get it implemented. The weekly accountability also kept my commitment present for me. I don’t always do the daily/weekly tasks perfectly and Matthew’s engaging, compassionate yet straightforward style helped me to stick with it. And did I say funny, he’s funny. Thank you Matthew. With loving regards.
Single Malt Mastermind has been a godsend. I look forward to getting a dose of wit, charm, and disarming candor in my inbox each week. My reply increases my confidence by forcing me to acknowledge what I have achieved in the past week. It also inspires me to set achievable short term goals that fit into my bigger plan, rather than being entirely focused on just getting through the day, or daydreaming on the horizon. The replies I get from Matthew are brief, useful, and personal; no autoresponder, no sales pitch, no metaphysical blather, just advice from a legend served straight no chaser. Accountability has never been this fun.
Matthew Kimberley’s program, Single Malt MasterMind, is such a brilliant offering, almost as brilliant as the decision that I made to join it when I did.! What an incredible opportunity to get into action with fun and play and accountability. Working alone at home with just my computer can get distracting and since I am an idea person, having Matthew’s structure has been invaluable in helping me focus. Just knowing he’s out there expecting my emails and letting him know if I fulfilled my promises makes such a difference. Having a steady stream of Matthew’s useful tips, inspiration, encouragement and questions is like having an awesome mentor on my team. Matthew’s program has motivated me to action and helped me gain a lot of clarity as I move toward the launch of my business.
Matthew is amazing to work with! He really helps you to focus on what will really benefit you and to cut out all the noise. I would start the Single Malt Master Mind all over again if given the choice.
I’m really loving the SMM and it’s only been a few months! I look forward to the Friday email when I get to “report in” about what I actually accomplished against my plan. While we use a fancy project management tool, it doesn’t email me back with feedback, kudos and answers to questions like Matthew does. The no-fluff accountability is great!
So simple, yet it works. Responding to Matthew makes me say what I’m doing ( or not doing) out loud. It’s clarifying and truth-telling.
Can I tell you how much I LOVE being a part of the Single Malt Mastermind? I’m a busy person, as we all are, and I have a lot of balls in the air with 3 current businesses and 3 more in the works. Being able to connect with Matthew each week with both my current focus and upcoming projects has been so helpful to stay on task and fit the puzzle pieces together. And if I don’t email him each week, I can hear his fingers drumming on the desk until I do….
I love Matthew’s Single Malt Mastermind. Why? Because it gets me to take action, every single week, without fail, knowing I’m accountable to it. Not just any action either, but the action that actually accomplishes my most important business goals, rather than just ‘busywork’. I’ve already moved forward significantly with those goals in just a couple of months. Matthew’s accountability emails and responses are wise, they’re witty, and they keep you on track. It’s worth way more than the money I’ve paid for it!
Matthew’s Single Malt Mastermind (SMM) has been one of the best investments I’ve made in business. It is THE email I most look forward to. I love the accountability knowing there is someone out there on my side, wanting me to succeed as much as I do. Sending a weekly email helps much with self reflection. How I’m spending my time and what my ROI is. Knowing I’m going to receive an email at the end of the week asking me what I’ve done and what I’m going to do works beautifully to give me clarity and direction. Highly recommended!
It is 100% worth the money. More than worth it, actually. Matthew gives advice and tips as well as holding you accountable – and his advice is worth its weight in gold. I don’t think I’d be where I was now if it wasn’t for him. In fact, I know I wouldn’t. In the past two months I’ve set up a website and newsletter and got sign-ups, created a lead magnet, got clear on what I’m offering and what path to take, as well as what to focus on, as well as many other things… if I wasn’t in the program, I know I’d still be giving myself reasons why I’m not ready to do all the things above. The program is simple and you don’t have to spend long on the emails – but it works. There’s something different about paying for a program (i.e. you’ve invested, so you want to see results) and paying someone (they are committed to you, unlike a friend or free program which isn’t so focused on you). Definitely worth it – the only real question is if you’re willing to put in the work to see how far you’ll go 🙂
Sometimes you just need to cut out all of the noise and focus. Especially when you’re in the beginning stages of building a business. I found that the Single MALT Mastermind motivated me to look at what I do everyday to move towards growing my business. Knowing that there is a real person with business, marketing and selling experience on the other end of that email triggers something to get me motivated. It’s well worth the $97 a month.
Why am I glad I joined the Single Malt Mastermind? I’m so busy keeping everyone else accountable that it makes a supportive and very positive change to have someone holding that space for me. Matthew’s weekly tips are easy to implement and a few months in I am already seeing a measurable difference to my bottom line. Eg: I know I was resistant to selling. Asking for the sale? Who’d have thought that could have such a profound impact ? (Shut up, MK!) SMM is a small investment that creates big returns. Can’t recommend it highly enough.
I’d always admired Matthew’s wit. But he has delivered serious ROI – approaching Taki Moore’s standard of 10X — from our first coaching session. MK paid for himself 15 minutes into our first call by suggesting with a key change to my sales approach that continues to change everything.
I recognized the value of Single Malt Mastermind immediately. And it brought tears to my eyes. I had started a creative business but continually sacrificed opportunities to promote my work and develop sales. When the SMM invite came along, I knew it would help me break through this avoidance & frustration.
Matthew Kimberley brings a quality of attention that developed a case for MY success. Get yourself into the SMM program and you will see quick results. Why? Because you will enter into a shared, invigorated, courageous dialogue along the way to delivering better & better results. You consistently show up. MK continually shows up. It works.
Three things you need to know if you are considering signing up to the Single Malt Mastermind:
- The emails you get each week from Matt are not the same dry-as-dust repeated message asking you for a reply. They are different every time, and always contain some fresh thought-provoking content and usable advice. This motivates you to respond.
- I think Matt reads everything, because when you respond, sometimes Matt really does reply. Himself. With several sentences of nugget-y feedback on your current situation and offering his perspective, some non-judgemental advice, and always the encouragement to keep going and getting results
- It really works. Within months of signing up, I had left my day job and am now pursuing a career as a freelance writer and marketing consultant. Without SMM I reckon I would still be stuck in my cubicle.
I have been through several courses and they’ve all been great, but what I need more than anything is accountability to take action, without which the best ideas in the world aren’t going to help much.
The Single Malt Mastermind provides me with weekly accountability. Since starting I’ve greatly increased the amount of pitches I’ve been sending out to prospective clients.
I appreciate the weekly email, especially the fact that Matthew has responded in person from time to time. It’s a bargain!
The Single Malt Mastermind probably shouldn’t work. The same 3 questions every week. For 52 weeks. But contrary to my expectations it’s remarkably effective. Which probably makes Matthew some kind of genius.
The questions are always accompanied by some of Matthew’s irreverent humour mixed with insight and wisdom which makes the emails a must read. And the questions themselves force you to confront your own existential realities; basically what the f*ck are you doing with your life? Of course you can lie to him but then what’s the point (and who do you think you’re really kidding?)
I’ve always dreamed of being my own boss. And I absolutely love working for myself. BUT I hadn’t counted on how difficult it would be not having a team of colleagues to discuss ideas and strategy with, nor did I realise I would actually miss certain aspects of the structure which exists in a larger workplace.
Since signing up for Single Malt Mastermind, I’ve gained so much clarity. I am finally developing the pattern of regularly reviewing my progress, and making a plan for the following week.
It’s so simple, but it’s so effective. Matthew’s comments are always on point. But what’s equally valuable is that I am training myself to think in this way, and I think that’s priceless. Thank you Matthew!
I am incredibly grateful for the Single MALT Mastermind.
It gives me an opportunity to sit down and think about what I have accomplished and where to go next.
I look forward to my prompt every Friday because Matthew Kimberley is both insightful and entertaining in his email.
Getting that rare note back is incredible, but the chance to sit down and be prepared for the following week is the real value.
It creates a plan, keeps me accountable and provides me with a record of my productivity and growth.
The Single Malt Mastermind was possibly my best purchase of 2016.
The weekly accountability is exactly what I need to get things done and be more strategic with my time.
Like an airplane can spend much of its journey off course, yet still get to its destination; despite my weekly detours, Matt’s emails are the one thing that keep me pointed in the right direction. If you’re hesitating because you think you can do it alone, then ask yourself if you’re on track to reach your goals or have you veered off course.
Being a part of the Single Malt Mastermind has been a great investment for me!!
The opportunity to meticulously focus for approximately 10 – 15 minutes every week on tasking and other thoughts for my business is worthy of my time & financial synergy!!
I am extremely pleased to be a part of the SMM family and grateful for Matthew Kimberley being a part of my life!!
Thank you so much!!
Matt is one of the most ‘real’ marketers ever.
I like to think I’ve got an oversensitive BS detector, and Matt flies right
by that.
The Single Malt Mastermind keeps me accountable, and Matt’s emails are always positive and fun
Matthew’s Single Malt Mastermind combines the ability to focus on what matters to drive sales along with his amazing wit and insights on just what you need to do next.
Need someone to help you make your emails more compelling?
Need some insights on what to charge for your product/services?
Need someone to keep you motivated?
If so, I can tell you Matthew has done all of that and more for me. Everyone needs someone in their corner and you can’t find a better person who cares about you or a better sales strategist to have in your corner.
For me investing in the Single Malt Mastermind was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
It’s given me accountability, motivation and perspective. Being able to plan and track your progress is so simple but very effective and
extremely rewarding.Throw in direct access to one of the best business coaches in the industry and it becomes priceless.
I wish I’d discovered it sooner as I’ve already seen a substantial improvement in my productivity which has resulted in more sales, more time with my family and real pride in my work.
I’m now using my time so much more efficiently AND I not only have a strategy, but the plan and guidance to execute it thanks to Matthew’s insight and knowledge.”
I have been working with Matthew for over 2 years now, and I have bought – without regret – every product he has put online.
But when Matthew invited me to his Single Malt Mastermind, I first thought this was some kind of joke. Gradually, however, the idea of More Action Less Talk started to resonate with me, and for the price, it seemed to be worth a try.
Now every Sunday I take a few moments to answer to the 3 questions Matthew asks on Friday.
Has it made a difference to my business?
What is different now? I am actually doing the things I have committed to, and my sales have taken off.
A word of warning. The Single Malt Mastermind is only for people who are willing to take action.
I didn’t expect much when I became a member of the Single Malt Mastermind – turns out these emails are funny, enlightening, spot on – and, dare I say, just the right amount of intimidating. They’re one of the highlights of my week. These emails make me want to be a better person. Or, become better at the business part of things at least.
It’s obvious that Matthew cares deeply, and that he knows what he’s talking about. Each of them includes a nugget of wisdom you can use right away. To me these emails are more valuable than many of the
courses out there.
Matthew’s SMM is pure genius. He combines the power of accountability with a narrowed focus on 2 critical tasks: assessing your results and planning your next most-important steps. Every. Single. Week.
I’m extremely self-motivated and still cannot overstate the effectiveness of accountability. Being accountable to someone you respect is a powerful catalyst for getting things done.
I’ve accomplished so much more than I otherwise would have because I don’t want the (self-inflicted) embarrassment of telling Matthew I didn’t do what I said I would do!
His weekly emails are engaging and enlightening. I’m a recovering perfectionist and the SMM has helped me get comfortable with imperfect action.
SMM is super valuable and an absolute STEAL! Thanks so much, Matthew!
From the moment I paid for my membership in Single Malt Mastermind I became an entrepreneur with drive.
Knowing that Matt expects an email update from me each Friday keeps me laser focused on completing the things that really matter.
It’s almost absurd that one email a week could have so much impact, but it really works … I’ll drink to that!
When I read about the Single Malt Mastermind I thought, “FINALLY, a mastermind where I can actually focus and get to work!”
This is a totally different concept and I love it. Matthew definitely delivers each week with an email that will both motivate and entertain.
Thinking through the three questions forces me to look at my week under a microscope.
As a fitness professional, I know the benefits of having the right accountability partner to achieve fitness and weight loss goals.
The Single Malt Mastermind, with Matthew Kimberley, is the best accountability partner for your business.
Knowing that someone will ask you the tough questions at the end of the week that you’ll need to answer makes you wake up, look at your schedule, and make adjustments to get things done!
I consider myself a very productive person, but since joining the SMM I’ve consistently increased sales and my forward progress on big projects that are sure to change my business forever!
SMM is an awesome resource to keep you in check with what you really need to be focusing on in your business. It’s the perfect accountability without someone breathing down your neck to make sure things get done. You just kind of know…. I’m going to have to report what I do at the end of the week, so I better make it good!
SMM has driven me to be more focused on what I am actually accomplishing each week plus being really mindful about setting goals for the week ahead, with just one simple email.
Friday is now my absolute favorite day of the week.
Getting that witty email from Matthew means I have to be accountable – and not for the sole purpose of impressing him with my list of accomplishments.
The Single Malt Mastermind has helped me to stay more focused on my business, and I’m a lot more diligent about weekly planning and executing, which caused me quite a bit of anxiety before.
I have found Matthew Kimberley’s Single Malt Mastermind (SMM) to be extremely helpful.
I am a remote worker and having an email reminder to think about the following week has proven to be invaluable.
The genius of SMM is in its simplicity: answer the three questions and it’s job done.
Thanks Matthew.
I’ve long subscribed to the theory that small things done regularly are far more impactful to a business than big things done never – but have still struggled to get myself to do those small things.
The accountability element of SMM has seen me churn through a glut of tasks that would ordinarily have sat on the to-do list for months.
All because I can’t bear the thought of telling Matthew ‘I didn’t do that thing’. Signing up for Single Malt Mastermind was the very definition of ‘no-brainer’ for me.
The Single Malt Mastermind is definitively worth way more than Matthew is charging for it.
I’ve been in membership groups and private masterminds and I have never felt more alone.
The second I got one of Matthew’s emails and I replied, I went into my masterminds and cancelled them all.
This isn’t even a course, but I’ve learned so much in the past few weeks because I am constantly taking action. With SMM I am motivated to keep moving forward, because no matter what, on Friday, Matthew is going to reach out to me and I need to have something to say!